Monday, August 25, 2008

Corporate Reporting to Stakeholders

Corporate reporting in Canada has changed dramatically since the CICA Corporate Reporting Awards (CRA) program was launched in 1951. A new research study on Corporate Reporting to Stakeholders aims to promote effective communication between a company and its stakeholders by providing useful guidance to preparers of corporate reports. The study was prepared by current and former CRA judges.

It is based on an in-depth review of the annual reports and websites of 125 companies that have participated in the CRA program. This study examines practices and significant trends in corporate reporting by analyzing:
  • more than 50 different types of information disclosed in 2004-2005 annual reports;
  • major changes in the 2004, 2005 and 2006 annual reports of award-winning companies;
  • information content, presentation and navigation on company websites in 2007.