Friday, May 13, 2011

Investors spend just 5 minutes on annual reports, according to the stats

“WEB traffic statistics compiled by Google show that investors are spending less than 5 minutes viewing annual meeting materials hosted by large vendors – and younger investors are almost entirely ignoring the documents. The statistics, which aggregate traffic to hundreds of online annual reports and proxy statements hosted by large vendors such as Thomson Reuters, Broadridge Financial Solutions and Computershare, suggest that companies’ disclosure documents are failing to hold the interest of web users, particularly younger users between the ages of 18 and 34 who have grown up with the web. Further evidence of a lack of investor interest in online annual reporting information is provided by statistics compiled using PostRank. They show little or no interest in company annual reports among users of social networking websites, as measured by the number of times they share links to online annual reports.” (Read the full article “Investors spend just 5 minutes on annual reports – stats” by Dominic Jones at IR Web Report online.